寧波天韻食品有限公司主要加工各類水果罐頭及軟罐頭(含塑料杯,塑料瓶,自立袋包裝),是中國浙江省內主要的罐頭食品生產企業(yè).其中,在軟罐頭方面,公司目前已居國內**地位,年銷售量達到1000多萬美元,并與50多個國家和地區(qū)建立貿易聯(lián)系. 公司位于寧波象山,屬大寧波地區(qū).城市地處海濱,環(huán)境宜人,交通方便,有機場,海港及高速公路相連,出口及客人來訪均十分方便.公司本著”誠信、質量、互利互惠”的原則,竭誠為新老客人提供好的產品和服務.Ningbo HD Foods Co., Ltd. mainly produces kinds of canned fruits and soft pack fruits (packaging including plastic cups, PET bottles & self-stand pouches). Company is one of the major canned food manufacturers in Zhejiang Province, China. Especially in soft pack area, Company has become the industry leader in China, with annual sales over USD10 millions, and business relations with more than 50 countries & is located in Xianshan County, the metropolitan area of Ningbo City. The coastal city has good environment and convenient transportation, connecting airport, sea harbor, and highways. Customers can easily enjoy a low-cost export service and a relaxed visit to our Company. On the basis of “Honesty, Quality, & Mutual Benefits”, we will continue to provide the best products and services to our customers all around.